It’s always fun to play games with a team. If you’re an online gamer, you might be using Skype, Ventrilo, teamspeak and the new generation product, Discord to establish voice chats between teammates. Discord is freeware internet protocol which specializes in text, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Managing a server playing while enjoying your game is something which can be as painful as “LAG” for gamers. But did you know, you can add bots in your discord server to not only manage the server but to entertain everyone.
Discord bots
A Discord bot can provide various functions ranging from playing music to sending memes. It can also help you in administrating your discord guild when you’re away. You can either use a third party bot or make yourself one by coding it with any programming languages such as Java, Python, C++ etc. A discord server aka guild is like a group but with more functionalities that it makes it more than a group. It has roles , categories , custom emoji option and various other options! Below are some basic features generally found in all discord bots:
- Manage Servers via bot commands.
- Making Searches, like you can make google searches, anime searched etc.
- View user & Server information, like how many days he/she been on your server etc.
- Play music right in discord.
- More.
For Example: Tatsumaki (A Discord bot)
Purpose: Provides levels & XP to the users which creates a competition among users thereby increasing the overall engagement to improve one’s rank. Along with that, Tatsumaki provides Voting, Search integration, Reminders, pull images from reddit and more.
How to add bots to Discord server
A bot account is different than a normal discord account and has a BOT logo next to them. In order to add a Discord bot to your server, you must have admin access also known as “Manage Server” in discord. Some bots will require you to be logged in to the server through your browser as well as the client. To verify if you have admin level permission to your server.
- Go to Discord and login to your server account.
- Navigate to your profile and find “General permissions”.
- Check if “Manage Server” permissions is enabled. If it’s enabled, you’re all set to add discord bots to your server.
Now it’s all a piece of cake. To add the bots, find a bot you like by performing a google search of from our list below, read the reviews and click on Add to discord. Once you have selected the bot you want in your server, follow below steps:
- Select ‘Add Bot to Server’ or ‘Invite bot’ depending on what source you have.
- Select a server to add the bot and authorize the bot in the new permissions window.
- Open your Discord server and you will find the bot appear in the sidebar.
Now there is also a second method in-case you are going to use a URL method for implementing the Bot. Let me explain to you the process which is more for experienced gamers.
- Open this link (https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=%3CBot_Client_ID%3E&scope=bot&permissions=0) in your browser and change <Bot_Client_ID> with actual ID of your choice.
- Enter the link in Address bar, Authorize once again even if Oauth2 will authorise on your behalf.
By doing this, the bot will start to communicate with fellow users in your desired way. Sounds fun! Isn’t it?
Now some of the essential points to be noted.
- We need to be careful while authorising bots since many a time we receive multiple authorisations to keep going ahead for enabling bots.
- Even if we are using Oauth2 command that will authorise bots to function, you might get multiple requests for their channels. Technically it is a bit time consuming, but hey, it is good since it keeps on asking authorisation at every level, so you are aware it is not asking or taking authorisation for accessing sensitive information.
- In your channels, you may get some message such as, “Authorize”, that has to be selected.
Useful discord bot commands
- /giphy [search term]: This command will provide you with few GIFs related to your search term. Click the image you want and press enter to send it to the chat room.
- /nick [new nickname]: This command changes your display name at it appears on the server.
- /tts [message]: Don’t have a microphone? Well, discord bot is here for rescue. The text you enter in place on [message] will be read out loud to the players.
- /tableflip, /unflip, and /shrug: Some of Discord’s default commands aren’t so much practical as they are fun. The /tableflip command will paste the
- ?google [search string]: Perform a Google search for your search string in discord itself.
- ?play [url]: You can add music to your discord server by providing YouTube url or a string and the bot will automatically find the most relevant song to that string.
Let me share some of the best websites that I personally use for discord bots. You have carbon bot list, discordbots and my favourite, botlist, which practically has brief details about which bots to use for which server.
So there we are, start using the bot for your discord servers and have all the fun with your memes, audio video streaming, games etc. Sayonara! Take care and if you haven’t subscribed to DevsJournal, do it now! You don’t want to miss happening updates, how to’s and many new contents that are popular and trending on the web.