Like any other RPG games out there, Pokemon GO is no exception as it also requires you to spend a lot of time with Pokemons and train them to make them perform better. Now, there are various ways by which you can train a Pokemon, however, the most anticipated ones that most people usually ask about is the Pokemon GO Fast TM feature and also the Charged TM feature which is most likely the same in most aspects. A lot of players don’t know how to use them properly for your benefits.
Therefore, we have come up with this short and simple Pokemon TM Guide in which you will know about all the facts revolving around fast TM and charged TM. Thus, if you too have a fantastic Pokemon which you want to upgrade and want to teach some new fighting moves, do read this article until the end as it will be a lot helpful for you, and also you will learn about these useful features of the game that you might be neglecting till this date.
What is Technical Machine in Pokemon GO

If you are a dedicated player, you must have encountered Pokemon GO Fast TM and Charged TM elements of the game. So, what does it actually mean, and how this can be a beneficial aspect for you? The TM term refers to Technical Machines which are rare items in the game that basically lets your Pokemon learn new moves. Although you can not select which move you want to teach, the process is totally random.
But, still, it is beneficial as the Pokemon is actually learning a new move to perform, which is all that matters at the end of the day. So, let’s check out how you can use these Pokemon GO TM and which Pokemons are worth spending the in-game credits.
Types of TM’s
Fast TM

As the name suggests, the Pokemon GO Fast TM elements basically allow your Pokemon to learn a new random fast or quick move. The selection of the new move is going to be random and it will be chosen from the list of available moves only. So, you can not force use a TM to teach the desired move to your Pokemon.
Charged TM

Like the Quick/Fast TM, the Charged TM Pokemon GO feature works pretty much the same. And, the difference between them is self-explanatory as you can read the name. Pokemon usually have the Charged moves as their most powerful attacks, so if you are bored of the current ones, the Charge TM Pokemon GO feature will allow you to change it to a new one.
How to Get TMs in Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO TM elements are not something that you can find on the way while roaming around. Since it is exclusive stuff because of the higher advantageous properties, these are slightly hard to find or say you will need to earn them as rewards.
To win rewards, it requires you to beat Raid Bosses or complete tasks given during the Special Research Events. There are so many reward items in Pokemon GO, the probability of getting a Pokemon GO Charge TM or a Fast TM is not too much, so consider yourself lucky if you get one. Let’s suppose you have several Pokemon GO TM’s already, do you know how to use them? Let’s learn then!
How to Use TMs in Pokemon GO
The process is pretty straight-forward since all you need to do is follow the below-mentioned steps properly to use the Pokemon GO TM elements efficiently.
- Open the Pokemon GO game, and head towards the Menu section.
- You will find an Items button here, tap on it.
- If you have a Fast TM or Charged TM, they will appear here. Tap on the one that you want to use.
- It will ask you to choose a Pokemon, so select your most favorite one that you want to teach some new good moves.
- Confirm the process by tapping the ‘Yes’ button.
The move selection is going to be totally random, so it all depends on luck whether you get a good move for your Pokemon or some less powerful one.
Best Pokemon to use TM on
Now, as you have learned to use the TMs, it’s important to know the best use as well. The below-mentioned table will guide you about the best Pokemon to use Fast TM or Charged TM on. So, sit tight and carefully read this section as Pokemon GO TM are quite rare items, and we don’t want you to waste it on some unworthy Pokemon.
Pokemon | Move to Replace | TM Type | New Move |
Tyranitar | Fire Blast | Charged | Stone Edge/Crunch |
Iron Tail | Fast | Bite | |
Mewtwo | Focus Blast/Hyper Beam/Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt | Charged | Psychic |
Psycho Cut | Fast | Confusion | |
Snorlax | Earthquake | Charged | Heavy Slam/Hyper Beam |
Lick | Fast | Zen Headbutt | |
Raikou | Thunder Bolt/Shadow Ball | Charged | Wild Charge |
Volt Switch | Fast | Thunder Shock | |
Dragonite | Hyper Beam | Charged | Outrage/Hurricane |
Any Move | Fast | Dragon Tail | |
Machamp | Heavy Slam/Close Combat | Charged | Dynamic Punch |
Bullet Punch | Fast | Counter | |
Swampert | Mud Shot | Fast | Water Gun |
Kyogre | Any Move | Charged | Surf |
Roserade | Dazzling Gleam/Solar Beam | Charged | Grass Knot/Sludge Bomb |
Chandelure | Energy Ball | Charged | Overheat/Shadow Ball |
Rhydon | Megahorn | Charged | Stone Edge/Earthquake |
Gyarados | Twister | Charged | Hydro Pump/Outrage/Crunch |
Donphan | Tackle | Fast | Counter |
Alakazam | Focus Blast | Charged | Futuresight/Shadow Ball |
Dazzling Gleam | Charged | Futuresight/Shadow Ball/Focus Blast | |
Scizo | Night Slash | Charged | X Scissor/Iron Head |
Omastar | Mud Shot | Fast | Water Gun |
Gengar | Focus Blast | Charged | Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb |
Lapras | Dragon Pulse | Charged | Ice Beam/Blizzard/Hydro Pump |
Poliwrath | Ice Punch | Charged | Dynamic Punch/Hydro Pump |
Kingler | Any Move | Fast | Bubble |
Any Move | Charged | Crabhammer | |
Zapdos | Any Move | Charged | Thunderbolt |
Moltres | Wing Attack | Fast | Fire Spin |
Ancient Power/Heat Wave/Fire Blast | Charged | Overheat | |
Blaziken | Focus Blast/Stone Edge/Brave Bird | Charged | Blaze Kick |
Breloom | Sludge Bomb/Seed Bomb | Charged | Dynamic Punch |
Salamence | Fire Fang | Fast | Dragon Tail |
Fireblast/Hydro Pump | Charged | Draco Meteor | |
Metagross | Zen Headbutt | Fast | Bullet Punch |
Flash Cannon | Charged | Psychic | |
Rayquaza | Air Slash | Fast | Dragon Tail |
Any Move | Charged | Outrage | |
Rampardos | Zen Headbutt | Fast | Smack Down |
Any Move | Charged | Rock Slide | |
Garchomp | Mud Shot | Fast | Dragon Tail |
Any Move | Charged | Outrage | |
Electivire | Low Kick | Fast | Thunder Shock |
Any Move | Charged | Wild Charge | |
Mamoswine | Mud Slap | Fast | Powder Snow |
Any Move | Charged | Avalanche | |
Dialga | Metal Claw | Fast | Dragon Breath |
Any Move | Charged | Draco Meteor | |
Palkia | Dragon Tail | Fast | Dragon Breath |
Any Move | Charged | Draco Meteor | |
Giratina (Origin Forme) | Dragon Tail | Fast | Shadow Ball |
Any Move | Charged | Shadow Ball | |
Darkrai | Any Move | Fast | Snarl |
Any Move | Charged | Shadow Ball | |
Excadrill | Metal Claw | Fast | Mud Slap |
Any Move | Charged | Drill Run | |
Haxorus | Counter | Fast | Dragon Tail |
Any Move | Charged | Dragon Claw | |
Terrakion | Zen Headbutt | Fast | Smack Down |
Any Move | Charged | Rock Slide | |
Exeggcutor | Any Move | Fast | Confusion |
Any Move | Charged | Seed Bomb | |
Chansey | Pound | Fast | Zen Headbutt |
Any Move | Charged | Dazzling Gleam | |
Steelix | Any Move | Charged | Crunch |
Bilssey | Pound | Fast | Zen Headbutt |
Any Move | Charged | Dazzling Gleam | |
Gardevoir | Confusion | Fast | Charm |
Dazzling Gleam/Psychic | Charged | Shadow Ball/Synchronoise | |
Slaking | Any Move | Charged | Play Rough |
Milotic | Waterfall | Fast | Dragon Tail |
Hyper Beam | Charged | Surf or Blizzard |
What makes some moves better than others?
There are various different factors that can help you to judge which moves will be good for your Pokemon. Obviously, you will like to train your Pokemon with the best moves, but how to find out which move is better than the others? Quite simple!
- There is this term known as STAB, Same Type Attack Bonus, which you get when your Pokemon uses the move that matches its own type. For instance, a fighting type Pokemon like Machamp using a Fighting Move like Dynamic Punch will reward you with some extra points during the battle.
- The other deciding factor for the better move can be the damage it can do to other Pokemons. Not every move works well for every type of Pokemons. Thus, matching the Pokemon type and move type is important, but using the move against the most vulnerable opponents also matters a lot.
- The time your Pokemon takes to perform a particular move also plays a major role as if your Pokemon is taking several seconds to perform a single move, it breaks your cover and the situation becomes risky as you are giving room to the opponent to counter your attack or perform his own fast moves before you to fight back.
Although finding all these traits in a single move is quite challenging to find, however, you must have got the idea to choose a good move. Try to find these traits if possible, even if not all, at least one of these aspects should be matching as each of these aspects have their own benefits as well.
We hope you have learned most about the Pokemon GO charge TM and fast TM elements from this guide. Although the results of using TMs are very random, it is always a win-win situation for you since your Pokemon is getting to learn a new move. You can not decide which move to learn, but deciding the Pokemon to train is totally in your hands, so make that decision wisely.
Apart from that, if you are facing issues or having any confusion about anything else, do let us know by commenting down below. We will come up again with some other informative topics like this!