Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Infact, according to the data provided by Statista, Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide as of December 2021. That is about 200 million up from the December 2017 data. Facebook’s acquisition of the company for $1 Billion back in 2012 has brought in some features that is on par with other social networking applications. While recent updates are found essential for the platform, it still lacks some features that will surely never made it to the final app. Fortunately, we have some awesome developers who always find ways to integrate some of these features we’ve been dying to have ever since.
Instagram+ is a modded version of Instagram by OGMods that let users download Instagram contents straight up. What’s good about Instagram+ is that you are actually dealing with 100 percent Instagram UI (only with additional features), not like any other mods that looks cheap in particular.
Instagram+ features
- Download any photos and videos
- Follow indicator
- Download any story
Download any Instagram photos and videos
There are times you just want to download the images in original quality rather than taking a screenshot of the post on Instagram. For images you can take a screenshot as an alternative, but what about the videos?
Social Media platforms doesn’t allow their users to distribute their content without permissions or illegally. Thanks to Instagram+, users can now download photos and videos straight up without taking you to another link.
Not only photos and videos but in the latest version, you can even download any live stream video after the live finished.

Follow indicator

This is one of the most needed Instagram features which allows you stay up to date with your followers. The Official instagram app doesn’t allow you to check whether the person you’re following, follows you back or not. The reason being, they don’t want someone to unfollow their friends just because they don’t follow back.
The reason might be great, but most people don’t seem to enjoy it. Everyone wants to keep a track of their followers and keep checking whether they are being unfollowed by their friends. You can now see who follows you by simply visiting any account, something only Twitter is capable before.
Save stories
Social Messaging App, Snapchat brought the very unique content of “Stories”. Stories allow you to share your life moments that you don’t want to stay on your profile or moments that are too many & you don’t want to share with everyone.
After failed attempts of acquiring Snapchat, Facebook brought in Stories feature in all of its apps including Instagram. While in all the Facebook apps, stories last for 24hours unlike Snapchat’s that lasts for secs after viewing it.
Instagram+ allows you to download the stories without taking any screenshot. No more ugly screenshots! Insta+ lets you download time-restricted Instagram Stories.

Other Features of Instagram+
Instagram not only save photos and videos but also has many additional features. We have listed some awesome features included in the latest update of Instagram+.
1. View Profile Picture:
Long click on any profile picture will allow viewing the full picture.
2. Hide Stories you View:
You can hide your name after viewing a story.
3. Videos in any Video Player:
Now you can play Instagram videos in your favourite video player.
4. Copy Comment/Bio:
Copy any comment or BIO from any profile you want in Instgram+.
5. Translate:
You can translate any comment you want to your own language.
6. Themes:
You can choose from 1000+ themes and also you can create your own theme and choose the colours you like.
Download Instagram+ APK
- Download OGinsta+ here. This will work with any phones together with the original Instagram app.
- Download Insta+: here. (This will not work with original Instagram. You need to uninstall any Instagram app before installing this.)
Instagram+ is the modded version of Instagram without any features to customize the app’s color, design and icons. While most people only look for this features, if you’re looking for more customizability, you can check GBInstagram, which comes with all the above features along with many more features to customize the App and allows you to design the App as per your needs and taste.